EIther betray him right there in the Flagon with a dialogue option, or bail and talk to Bersi to proceed as if you talked to him first. You may also participate in Brynjolf's scheme in the market and meet him in the Flagon, but from there if you accept to collect the debts, you're locked in the Guild. Accept the quest, kill the members (be sure to take a cabinet key off of Brynjolf or the others) and report back to Bersi for a reward. Most citizens will mention Bersi, who will give you the quest. Upon entering the vicinity of Riften, my quest starts in the background. It also adds many minor quests to obtain the loot you would normally miss out on by not joining the guild. This mod adds a new quest that allows you to completely wipe out the Thieves Guild. Not to be confused with the Oldrim version, this mod is my own take on this idea, all built from scratch. Have you ever been disappointed in the Skyrim Thieves Guild? Do you wish your righteous warrior could just take them out? Do you feel left out if you ignore the questline? Or do you just plain want them dead for some reason? Well, now you'll have the chance.